Attorneys' practical training

We offer practical training on specialised topics to attorneys and candidate attorneys, as well as to legal advisors working in the formal legal environment.

All topics are carefully selected and have proven value for the legal fraternity.

We distinguish between courses, webinars, and workshops:

  • Courses are repeated in intervals.
  • Webinars cover ad-hoc topics and are presented from time to time.
  • Workshops are shorter than webinars and the manuals are more concise than those of webinars.
    Workshops comprise an interactive discussion of practical case studies applicable in the workplace and enough time is allocated for questions and answers.


Webinars / information sessions

Upcoming webinars TBD.

Unique features of our practical training

The unique features of our training are the following:

  1. It is of immediate practical value.
  2. It is aimed at the legal profession.
  3. Comprehensive manuals are supplied with each course, webinar, and workshop.

Join Telegram group

Select one or more group/s by pressing ctrl and clicking on the desired group/s you wish to join.

Admission Application Template Pack

Fill out this form to download your FREE copy of our template pack for the application to be admitted as legal practitioner.

The template pack includes:

  • A checklist for the application for admission in terms of the Legal Practice Act
  • A list of requisite annexures
  • A template for the notice of motion
  • A template for the founding affidavit
  • A template for the supporting affidavit