About us

About the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law

After a quarter-century of uninterrupted professional training, 2020 marked a new season with exciting developments.  The Centre for Conveyancing Practice, established in 1994, and the School for Legal Training, established in 2012, started trading under one new brand in early 2020 - the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law.

It all started in 1994 when Gawie produced the unique and highly successful Self-study Deeds Course.  He saw the high demands of the conveyancing examination and was convinced that his comprehensive set of notes would enable people to prepare effectively and pass this challenging examination.  The enterprise grew into the only bilingual and the largest private training institution in the field of conveyancing and notarial practice in South Africa.

We steadily expanded our array of courses, producing unique diplomas for secretaries and paralegals, a practical course in conveyancing, a conveyancing examination workshop, a course in notarial practice, short preparation courses for the attorneys’ admission examinations, and an impressive number of webinars and workshops on various legal topics.  The golden thread that runs through all of our courses, workshops, and webinars is the exceptional quality of our notes and manuals, with which we strive to empower all those working in the legal profession to behold the beauty of the law.

For us, the law is not cold and impersonal.  It is pure and beautiful – in the same way that the sheer logic of mathematics is stunning.  Consider the way in which the law forms a perfect whole when it’s not corrupted, the way it permeates our existence and simplifies life when we pay it due respect, the way in which it enables us “to live honestly, to hurt no man willfully, and to render every man his due carefully,” which is, ask Aristotle, the precepts of the law.

View our list of clients and success stories of our alumni here.

Meer oor die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut

Na ‘n kwarteeu van ononderbroke professionele opleiding, het 2020 ‘n nuwe seisoen van opwindende ontwikkelings aangekondig.  Die Sentrum vir Aktepraktyk, gestig in 1994, en die Skool vir Regsopleiding, gestig in 2012, het vroeg in 2020 begin handeldryf onder een nuwe handelsmerk – die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut.

Dit het alles in 1994 begin toe Gawie die unieke en hoogs-suksesvolle Selfstudie Aktekursus te voorskyn gebring het.  Hy was deeglik bewus van die akte-eksamen se hoë eise en was daarvan oortuig dat sy omvattende stel notas effektiewe voorbereiding sou bied wat sy kliënte in staat sou stel om die eksamen te slaag.  Die besigheid het gegroei tot die enigste tweetalige en grootste privaat opleidingsinstelling in akte- en notariële praktyk in Suid-Afrika.

Ons versameling kursusse het stelselmatig uitgebrei met die toevoeging van unieke diplomas vir sekretaresses en regsassistente, ‘n praktiese kursus in aktevervaardiging, ‘n akte-eksamen werkswinkel, ‘n kursus in notariële praktyk, intensiewe voorbereidingskursusse vir die prokureurstoelatingseksamens, en ‘n noemenswaardige hoeveelheid webinare en werkswinkels oor verskeie regsonderwerpe.  Die goue draad wat deur al ons kursusse, werkswinkels, en webinare verweef is, is die buitengewone kwaliteit van ons notas en handleidings.  Hiermee streef ons om elkeen wat in die regsberoep werk te bemagtig om die skoonheid van die reg te aanskou.

Ons is van mening dat die reg nie koud en onpersoonlik is nie, maar dat dit suiwer en beeldskoon is – op dieselfde manier as wat die suiwere logika van wiskunde ‘n mens se asem wegslaan.  Besin vir ‘n oomblik oor hoe die reg ‘n volmaakte geheel vorm in die afwesigheid van korrupsie, oor hoe dit met elke deel van ons bestaan vervleg is en ons lewens vereenvoudig as ons dit na waarde ag, oor hoe dit ons in staat stel “om eerlik te leef, om geen mens willens en wetens skade aan te doen nie, en om noukeurig aan elkeen te gee dit wat hom toekom,” wat dan ook die grondbeginsels van die reg is, aldus Aristoteles.

Kyk gerus na ons lys gereelde kliënte en kliënte se suksesverhale.

Our Team | Ons Span

Executive Director | Uitvoerende Direkteur
Gawie le Roux

Gawie le RouxExecutive Director | Uitvoerende Direkteur

Gawie le Roux has been in the training business since 1994 –where he can live out his passion for people, teaching and the law. He is the director of the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law, previously known as the Centre for Conveyancing Practice and the School for Legal Training. He began his career in 1981 as a state prosecutor at the Department of Justice. He also worked for the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the State Attorney in Pretoria. His passion for training and empowering others inspired him to constantly improve and expand his legal training services.

Gawie le Roux is sedert 1994 in die opleidingsbedryf – waar hy sy passie vir mense, onderrig en die reg ten volle kan uitleef. Hy is die direkteur van die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut, voorheen bekend as die Sentrum vir Aktepraktyk en die Skool vir Regsopleiding. Hy het sy beroep afgeskop as staatsaanklaer by die Departement van Justisie. Hy het ook vir die Departement van Buitelandse Sake en die Kantoor van die Staatsprokureur in Pretoria gewerk. Sy passie om ander op te lei en te bemagtig het hom deurlopend geïnspireer om sy regsopleidingsdienste uit te brei en te verbeter.

Executive Director | Uitvoerende Direkteur
Gawie le Roux

Gawie le RouxExecutive Director | Uitvoerende Direkteur

Gawie is die Stigter en Uitvoerende Direkteur van die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut, voorheen bekend as die Sentrum vir Aktepraktyk.  Sedert 1994 het Gawie bekendheid verwerf vir sy kursusse in akte- en notariële praktyk waardeur menige regspraktisyn suksesvol vir hierdie eksamens kon voorberei – en daarmee geslaag het.  Onder Gawie se leiding bied die Instituut vir die afgelope aantal jare ook afrondingskursusse aan kandidaat-prokureurs om vir die raadseksamens voor te berei.  Gawie is passievol oor gehalte regsopleiding.  Hy is ‘n nie-praktiserende prokureur, transportbesorger en entrepreneur wat sy besige aktepraktyk in 2002 vir voltydse regsopleiding verruil het.

Gawie is the Founder and Executive Director of the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law, previously known as the Centre for Conveyancing Practice.  Since 1994 he has developed various highly successful courses, including his courses in conveyancing and notarial practice that have enabled many legal professionals to prepare for and pass their LPC exams.  Over the past few years, the Institute has also been offering exam preparation courses for candidate attorneys who are attempting to write their competency-based exams. Gawie is passionate about high-quality legal training.  He is a non-practising attorney, conveyancer, and entrepreneur.  In 2002, he left his busy conveyancing practice behind to pursue his passion for legal training full-time.

Senior Lecturer | Senior Dosent
Erinda Frantzen

Erinda FrantzenSenior Lecturer | Senior Dosent

Erinda Frantzen se spesialiskennis van aktes en notariële praktyk maak haar ‘n sleutelfiguur by die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut waar sy sedert 2006 doseer.  Sy is mede-outeur en aanbieder van die Kursus in aktepraktyk en die Kursus in notariële praktyk, en mede-outeur van die Aktekursus vir sekretaresses en die Praktiese aktes vir prokureurs kursus.  Sy is die outeur en aanbieder van die Akte-eksamen werkswinkels en het al verskeie suksesvolle seminare ontwikkel en aangebied.  Erinda sien uit daarna om ons 5 maande gestruktureerde kursus vir diegene wat voorberei vir die akte-eksamen, aan te bied.  Sy het haar MA (Regte) met 'n fokus op maatskappy reg in 2019 verwerf (cum laude) en is die 1997/8 DJ Friedland Prys wenner.

Erinda Frantzen’s expert knowledge in deeds and notarial practice makes her a key figure at the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law where she’s been lecturing since 2006.  She is co-author and presenter of the Course in conveyancing and the Course in notarial practice and co-author of the Conveyancing for secretaries and Practical conveyancing for attorneys courses.  She also developed and presents the Conveyancing examination workshops and has written and presented various successful seminars.  Erinda is looking forward to presenting the Structured 5-month course for those who are preparing for the conveyancing exam.  She obtained her MA (Law) with a focus on corporate law in 2019 (cum laude) and is the 1997/8 DJ Friedland Prize winner. 

Lecturer | Dosent
Johan van Stade

Johan van StadeLecturer | Dosent

Johan van Stade het in 2019 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit.  Sy passie vir opleiding en die reg stel hom in staat om praktiese kennis oor te dra aan sy studente, veral dié wat ‘n dieper verstaan van die reg nastreef.  Hy is die aanbieder en mede-outeur van die Prokureurstoelatingseksamenkursusse en mede-aanbieder van die Kursus in notariële praktyk.  Johan bied verskeie kursusse vir regsassistente aan, onder andere boekhouding.  Hy is 'n toegelate prokureur, transportbesorger, en notaris.

Johan van Stade joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2019.  His passion for further education, training, and the law enables him to pass his expertise on to his students, especially those who are seeking deeper practical knowledge and understanding of the law.  He is the presenter and co-author of the Attorneys’ admission exam courses and co-presenter of the Course in notarial practice.  Johan presents various paralegal courses, such as Legal bookkeeping, among others.  He is an admitted attorney, conveyancer, and notary.

Finance & Management | Finansies & Bestuur
Anneke van der Vyver.

Anneke van der VyverFinance & Management | Finansies & Bestuur

Anneke van der Vyver het ‘n BA-graad aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat verwerf.  Sy het in 2002 as administrateur by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en in 2009 die boekhouding oorgeneem.  Afgesien van haar meervoudige take as Finansiële Bestuurder, lei sy die span met waardigheid en speel sy ‘n sentrale rol in talle strategiese aspekte van die besigheid.

Anneke van der Vyver obtained a BA degree from the University of the Free State.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team as administrator in 2002 and took over the bookkeeping in 2009.  Apart from her manifold tasks as Financial Manager, she leads the team with dignity and plays a central role in some strategic aspects of the business.

PVT School Principal | PVT Skoolhoof
Dr Liezl Ball

Dr Liezl BallPVT School Principal | PVT Skoolhoof

Dr. Liezl Ball was ‘n dosent in die Departement Inligtingskunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria vanaf 2011 tot 2023. Sy het haar Doktorsgraad in 2021 verwerf en het verskeie akademiese artikels gepubliseer. Sy het genot daarin gevind om op beide voor- en nagraadse vlak klas te gee. Liezl het in 2024 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit om met die nuwe PVT Skool te help.

Dr Liezl Ball was a lecturer in the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria from 2011 to 2023. She earned her PhD in 2021 and has published several articles. She enjoyed lecturing and teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Liezl joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2024 to help with the new PVT School.

Marketing Manager & Spokesperson | Bemarkingsbestuurder & Woordvoerder
Liandri Pretorius

Liandri PretoriusMarketing Manager & Spokesperson | Bemarkingsbestuurder & Woordvoerder

Liandri Pretorius het haar BA-graad in tale (Joernalistiek) en BA honneursgraad (Kriminologie) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf.  Sy het in 2022 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en is verantwoordelik vir bemarking en eksterne kommunikasie.

Liandri Pretorius obtained her BA degree (Journalism) and BA honours degree (Criminology) from the University of Pretoria.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2022 and is responsible for marketing and external communication.  

Systems & Design | Stelsels & Ontwerp
Michelle Vermaak

Michelle VermaakSystems & Design | Stelsels & Ontwerp

Michelle Vermaak het in 2013 haar BEd-graad verwerf en was vir 12 jaar lank in die onderwys.  Sy het in 2020 aangesluit by die Gawie le Roux span as Senior Kursuskoördineerder en is sedert 2022 deel van die kommunikasiespan Sy dien tans as ons Stelselsbestuurder wat behels dat sy interne tegniese ondersteuning rondom al ons inligtingstegnologie en ander digitale toepassings verskaf.  Sy tree ook op as digitale ontwerper in dié span.

Michelle Vermaak graduated with a BEd degree in 2013 and was a teacher for 12 years.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team as a Senior Course Coordinator in 2020 and joined the communications team in 2022.  She serves as our Systems Manager which involves supplying internal technical support for all our information technology and other digital applications.  She is also a passionate digital designer.

Program Administrator | Program Administrateur
Annemarie Westcott

Annemarie WestcottProgram Administrator | Program Administrateur

Annemarie Westcott is sedert 2009 deel van die Gawie le Roux span.  Haar take het van Hoof-kursuskoördineerder gegroei na Program Administrateur vir ons PBO Skool.  Sy is ook verantwoordelik vir die noukeurige redigering van notas vir alle praktiese webinare, werkswinkels, en PBO Skool vakke.

Annemarie Westcott joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2009.  She was previously a Head Course Coordinator and her responsibilities grew to Program Administrator for our GLR PVT School.  She is also responsible for the meticulous editing of practical webinar and workshop notes as well as material for PVT School subjects.

Course Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder
Alouise Kemp

Alouise KempCourse Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder

Alouise Kemp het in 2019 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit.  Sy is verantwoordelik vir die administrasie agter die Attorneys’ admission exam courses en opleiding vir regsassistente.  Voor sy by ons span aangesluit het, het Alouise Somatologie studeer aan die Isa Carstens Academy en op seiljagte gewerk in Europa.

Alouise Kemp has been an integral part of the Gawie le Roux team since 2019 and is responsible for the coordination of our Attorneys' admission exam courses and paralegal training.  Prior to joining our team, Alouise studied Somatology at the Isa Carstens Academy and worked on yachts in Europe.

Course Assistant | Kursusassistent
Belinda Findlay

Belinda FindlayCourse Assistant | Kursusassistent

Belinda Findlay het haar Bcom-graad (Ondernemingsbestuur) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf.  Sy is sedert 2015 deel van die Gawie le Roux span.  Belinda is betrokke by die administrasie agter die aktes- en notariële voorbereidingskursusse sowel as werkswinkels.

Belinda Findlay obtained her Bcom degree (Business Management) from the University of Pretoria.  She has been part of the Gawie le Roux team since 2015.  Belinda is very involved in the coordination of the conveyancing and notarial exam preparation courses and workshops.

Reception | Ontvangs
Rebekah Vuthela

Rebekah VuthelaReception | Ontvangs

Rebekah Vuthela se vriendelike stem is jou eerste punt van kontak wanneer jy ons kantore bel.  Sy was van 2006 tot 2017 deel van die Gawie le Roux span, en het in 2020 teruggekeer nadat sy vir ‘n paar jaar ‘n breuk gevat het.  Sy het deur Damelin gekwalifiseer as ‘n professionele assistant en het die General courses vir regsassistente deur ons Instituut voltooi.

Rebekah Vuthela’s friendly voice is your first point of contact when you call our offices.  She was part of the Gawie le Roux team from 2006 to 2017, and after a hiatus, rejoined the team in 2020.  Rebekah qualified as a professional receptionist and personal assistant through Damelin and has completed the General courses for paralegals through our Institute.

Lecturer | Dosent
Melissa Smit

Melissa SmitLecturer | Dosent

Melissa Smit is ‘n senior konsultant in aktepraktyk met meer as 20 jaar se ervaring.  Sy het in 2013 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en sedertdien blyk haar praktiese ervaring, gekombineer met haar lewendige onderrigstyl van onskatbare waarde te wees.  Sy is mede-outeur en aanbieder van die Aktekursus vir regsassistente en die Praktiese aktepraktyk vir prokureurs kursus.

Melissa Smit is a senior consultant in conveyancing with over 20 years experience.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2013 where her practical experience combined with her lively teaching style has proven invaluable.  She is co-author and presenter of Conveyancing for secretaries (paralegals) and Practical conveyancing for attorneys courses.

Course Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder
Henriëtte Pretorius

Henriëtte PretoriusCourse Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder

Henriëtte Pretorius was van 2017 tot 2019 deel van die Gawie le Roux span en het in 2021 weer by die span aangesluit nadat sy oorsee gewoon het.  Sy is verantwoordelik vir die Praktiese aktes vir prokureurs kursus asook opleiding vir regsassistente.  Henriëtte het haar BA-graad (Sielkunde) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf en in 2012 haar PGCE voltooi.

Henriëtte Pretorius was part of the Gawie le Roux team from 2017 to 2019 and rejoined the team in 2021 after living abroad.  She is responsible for the Practical conveyancing for attorneys and paralegal training. Henriëtte obtained her BA degree (Psychology) from the University of Pretoria in 2010 and completed her PGCE in 2012.

Human Resources | Menslike Hulpbronne
Ilana Verkuyl

Ilana VerkuylHuman Resources | Menslike Hulpbronne

Ilana Verkuyl is sedert 2021 deel van die Gawie le Roux span.  Ilana het 'n BA-graad (Menslike Bewegingskunde) verwerf.  Sy het jare se ervaring in kliënteskakeling en is passievol oor kwaliteit kliëntediens.

Ilana Verkuyl joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2021.  Ilana obtained a BA degree (Human Movement Science).  She has years of experience in client relations and is passionate about delivering quality client service.

PVT School Registrar | PVT Skool Registrateur
René Booysen

René BooysenPVT School Registrar | PVT Skool Registrateur

René Booysen het 'n B.IS-graad (Uitgewerswese) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf. Sy het in 2023 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en sy neem verantwoordelikheid vir ons PVT-program. Voor René by ons span aangesluit het, het sy in die uitgewerswese-industrie in Suid-Afrika en Nieu-Seeland gewerk.

René Booysen obtained her B.IS (Publishing) degree from the University of Pretoria. She joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2023 and is responsible for the PVT programme. Prior to joining our team, René worked in the publishing industry in South Africa and New Zealand.

Course Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder
Linda Kleinhans

Linda KleinhansCourse Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder

Linda Kleinhans het onlangs by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit.  Sy het in 2010 binnenshuise versiering studeer en was voorheen deel van 'n instansie wat opleiding bied in leierskapsontwikkeling.  Sy is verantwoordelik vir ons kursusse in akte- en notariële praktyk asook ons RPR-geakkrediteerde kursus oor effektiewe verhoortegnieke.

Linda Kleinhans recently joined the Gawie le Roux team.  She studied interior design in 2010 and was previously part of a team that provides leadership development training.  She is responsible for our conveyancing and notarial exam preparation courses as well as our LPC-accredited trial advocacy course.

The Gawie le Roux team

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Admission Application Template Pack

Fill out this form to download your FREE copy of our template pack for the application to be admitted as legal practitioner.

The template pack includes:

  • A checklist for the application for admission in terms of the Legal Practice Act
  • A list of requisite annexures
  • A template for the notice of motion
  • A template for the founding affidavit
  • A template for the supporting affidavit

Gawie le Roux

Executive Director | Uitvoerende Direkteur

Gawie is die Stigter en Uitvoerende Direkteur van die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut, voorheen bekend as die Sentrum vir Aktepraktyk.  Sedert 1994 het Gawie bekendheid verwerf vir sy kursusse in akte- en notariële praktyk waardeur menige regspraktisyn suksesvol vir hierdie eksamens kon voorberei – en daarmee geslaag het.  Onder Gawie se leiding bied die Instituut vir die afgelope aantal jare ook afrondingskursusse aan kandidaat-prokureurs om vir die raadseksamens voor te berei.  Gawie is passievol oor gehalte regsopleiding.  Hy is ‘n nie-praktiserende prokureur, transportbesorger en entrepreneur wat sy besige aktepraktyk in 2002 vir voltydse regsopleiding verruil het.

Gawie is the Founder and Executive Director of the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law, previously known as the Centre for Conveyancing Practice.  Since 1994 he has developed various highly successful courses, including his courses in conveyancing and notarial practice that have enabled many legal professionals to prepare for and pass their LPC exams.  Over the past few years, the Institute has also been offering exam preparation courses for candidate attorneys who are attempting to write their competency-based exams. Gawie is passionate about high-quality legal training.  He is a non-practising attorney, conveyancer, and entrepreneur.  In 2002, he left his busy conveyancing practice behind to pursue his passion for legal training full-time.


Erinda Frantzen

Senior Lecturer | Senior Dosent

Erinda Frantzen se spesialiskennis van aktes en notariële praktyk maak haar ‘n sleutelfiguur by die Gawie le Roux Regsinstituut waar sy sedert 2006 doseer.  Sy is mede-outeur en aanbieder van die Kursus in aktepraktyk en die Kursus in notariële praktyk, en mede-outeur van die Aktekursus vir sekretaresses en die Praktiese aktes vir prokureurs kursus.  Sy is die outeur en aanbieder van die Akte-eksamen werkswinkels en het al verskeie suksesvolle seminare ontwikkel en aangebied.  Erinda sien uit daarna om ons 5 maande gestruktureerde kursus vir diegene wat voorberei vir die akte-eksamen, aan te bied.  Sy het haar MA (Regte) met 'n fokus op maatskappy reg in 2019 verwerf (cum laude) en is die 1997/8 DJ Friedland Prys wenner.

Erinda Frantzen’s expert knowledge in deeds and notarial practice makes her a key figure at the Gawie le Roux Institute of Law where she’s been lecturing since 2006.  She is co-author and presenter of the Course in conveyancing and the Course in notarial practice and co-author of the Conveyancing for secretaries and Practical conveyancing for attorneys courses.  She also developed and presents the Conveyancing examination workshops and has written and presented various successful seminars.  Erinda is looking forward to presenting the Structured 5-month course for those who are preparing for the conveyancing exam.  She obtained her MA (Law) with a focus on corporate law in 2019 (cum laude) and is the 1997/8 DJ Friedland Prize winner. 


Johan van Stade

Lecturer | Dosent

Johan van Stade het in 2019 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit.  Sy passie vir opleiding en die reg stel hom in staat om praktiese kennis oor te dra aan sy studente, veral dié wat ‘n dieper verstaan van die reg nastreef.  Hy is die aanbieder en mede-outeur van die Prokureurstoelatingseksamenkursusse en mede-aanbieder van die Kursus in notariële praktyk.  Johan bied verskeie kursusse vir regsassistente aan, onder andere boekhouding.  Hy is 'n toegelate prokureur, transportbesorger, en notaris.

Johan van Stade joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2019.  His passion for further education, training, and the law enables him to pass his expertise on to his students, especially those who are seeking deeper practical knowledge and understanding of the law.  He is the presenter and co-author of the Attorneys’ admission exam courses and co-presenter of the Course in notarial practice.  Johan presents various paralegal courses, such as Legal bookkeeping, among others.  He is an admitted attorney, conveyancer, and notary.


Anneke van der Vyver

Finance & Management | Finansies & Bestuur

Anneke van der Vyver het ‘n BA-graad aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat verwerf.  Sy het in 2002 as administrateur by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en in 2009 die boekhouding oorgeneem.  Afgesien van haar meervoudige take as Finansiële Bestuurder, lei sy die span met waardigheid en speel sy ‘n sentrale rol in talle strategiese aspekte van die besigheid.

Anneke van der Vyver obtained a BA degree from the University of the Free State.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team as administrator in 2002 and took over the bookkeeping in 2009.  Apart from her manifold tasks as Financial Manager, she leads the team with dignity and plays a central role in some strategic aspects of the business.


Dr Liezl Ball

PVT School Principal | PVT Skoolhoof

Dr. Liezl Ball was ‘n dosent in die Departement Inligtingskunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria vanaf 2011 tot 2023. Sy het haar Doktorsgraad in 2021 verwerf en het verskeie akademiese artikels gepubliseer. Sy het genot daarin gevind om op beide voor- en nagraadse vlak klas te gee. Liezl het in 2024 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit om met die nuwe PVT Skool te help.

Dr Liezl Ball was a lecturer in the Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria from 2011 to 2023. She earned her PhD in 2021 and has published several articles. She enjoyed lecturing and teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Liezl joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2024 to help with the new PVT School.


Liandri Pretorius

Marketing Manager & Spokesperson | Bemarkingsbestuurder & Woordvoerder

Liandri Pretorius het haar BA-graad in tale (Joernalistiek) en BA honneursgraad (Kriminologie) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf.  Sy het in 2022 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en is verantwoordelik vir bemarking en eksterne kommunikasie.

Liandri Pretorius obtained her BA degree (Journalism) and BA honours degree (Criminology) from the University of Pretoria.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2022 and is responsible for marketing and external communication.  


Michelle Vermaak

Stelselsbestuurder / Systems Manager

Michelle Vermaak het in 2013 haar BEd-graad verwerf en was vir 12 jaar lank in die onderwys.  Sy het in 2020 aangesluit by die Gawie le Roux span as Senior Kursuskoördineerder en is sedert 2022 deel van die kommunikasiespan Sy dien tans as ons Stelselsbestuurder wat behels dat sy interne tegniese ondersteuning rondom al ons inligtingstegnologie en ander digitale toepassings verskaf.  Sy tree ook op as digitale ontwerper in dié span.

Michelle Vermaak graduated with a BEd degree in 2013 and was a teacher for 12 years.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team as a Senior Course Coordinator in 2020 and joined the communications team in 2022.  She serves as our Systems Manager which involves supplying internal technical support for all our information technology and other digital applications.  She is also a passionate digital designer.


Annemarie Westcott

Program Administrator | Program Administrateur

Annemarie Westcott is sedert 2009 deel van die Gawie le Roux span.  Haar take het van Hoof-kursuskoördineerder gegroei na Program Administrateur vir ons PBO Skool.  Sy is ook verantwoordelik vir die noukeurige redigering van notas vir alle praktiese webinare, werkswinkels, en PBO Skool vakke.

Annemarie Westcott joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2009.  She was previously a Head Course Coordinator and her responsibilities grew to Program Administrator for our GLR PVT School.  She is also responsible for the meticulous editing of practical webinar and workshop notes as well as material for PVT School subjects.


Alouise Kemp

Course Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder

Alouise Kemp het in 2019 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit.  Sy is verantwoordelik vir die administrasie agter die Attorneys’ admission exam courses en opleiding vir regsassistente.  Voor sy by ons span aangesluit het, het Alouise Somatologie studeer aan die Isa Carstens Academy en op seiljagte gewerk in Europa.

Alouise Kemp has been an integral part of the Gawie le Roux team since 2019 and is responsible for the coordination of our Attorneys' admission exam courses and paralegal training.  Prior to joining our team, Alouise studied Somatology at the Isa Carstens Academy and worked on yachts in Europe.


Belinda Findlay

Course Assistant | Kursusassistent

Belinda Findlay het haar Bcom-graad (Ondernemingsbestuur) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf.  Sy is sedert 2015 deel van die Gawie le Roux span.  Belinda is betrokke by die administrasie agter die aktes- en notariële voorbereidingskursusse sowel as werkswinkels.

Belinda Findlay obtained her Bcom degree (Business Management) from the University of Pretoria.  She has been part of the Gawie le Roux team since 2015.  Belinda is very involved in the coordination of the conveyancing and notarial exam preparation courses and workshops.


Rebekah Vuthela

Reception | Ontvangs

Rebekah Vuthela se vriendelike stem is jou eerste punt van kontak wanneer jy ons kantore bel.  Sy was van 2006 tot 2017 deel van die Gawie le Roux span, en het in 2020 teruggekeer nadat sy vir ‘n paar jaar ‘n breuk gevat het.  Sy het deur Damelin gekwalifiseer as ‘n professionele assistant en het die General courses vir regsassistente deur ons Instituut voltooi.

Rebekah Vuthela’s friendly voice is your first point of contact when you call our offices.  She was part of the Gawie le Roux team from 2006 to 2017, and after a hiatus, rejoined the team in 2020.  Rebekah qualified as a professional receptionist and personal assistant through Damelin and has completed the General courses for paralegals through our Institute.


Melissa Smit

Lecturer | Dosent

Melissa Smit is ‘n senior konsultant in aktepraktyk met meer as 20 jaar se ervaring.  Sy het in 2013 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en sedertdien blyk haar praktiese ervaring, gekombineer met haar lewendige onderrigstyl van onskatbare waarde te wees.  Sy is mede-outeur en aanbieder van die Aktekursus vir regsassistente en die Praktiese aktepraktyk vir prokureurs kursus.

Melissa Smit is a senior consultant in conveyancing with over 20 years experience.  She joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2013 where her practical experience combined with her lively teaching style has proven invaluable.  She is co-author and presenter of Conveyancing for secretaries (paralegals) and Practical conveyancing for attorneys courses.


Henriëtte Pretorius

Course Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder

Henriëtte Pretorius was van 2017 tot 2019 deel van die Gawie le Roux span en het in 2021 weer by die span aangesluit nadat sy oorsee gewoon het.  Sy is verantwoordelik vir die Praktiese aktes vir prokureurs kursus asook opleiding vir regsassistente.  Henriëtte het haar BA-graad (Sielkunde) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf en in 2012 haar PGCE voltooi.

Henriëtte Pretorius was part of the Gawie le Roux team from 2017 to 2019 and rejoined the team in 2021 after living abroad.  She is responsible for the Practical conveyancing for attorneys and paralegal training. Henriëtte obtained her BA degree (Psychology) from the University of Pretoria in 2010 and completed her PGCE in 2012.


Ilana Verkuyl

Human Resources | Menslike Hulpbronne

Ilana Verkuyl is sedert 2021 deel van die Gawie le Roux span.  Ilana het 'n BA-graad (Menslike Bewegingskunde) verwerf.  Sy het jare se ervaring in kliënteskakeling en is passievol oor kwaliteit kliëntediens.

Ilana Verkuyl joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2021.  Ilana obtained a BA degree (Human Movement Science).  She has years of experience in client relations and is passionate about delivering quality client service.


René Booysen

PVT School Registrar | PVT Skool Registrateur

René Booysen het 'n B.IS-graad (Uitgewerswese) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf. Sy het in 2023 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit en sy neem verantwoordelikheid vir ons PVT-program. Voor René by ons span aangesluit het, het sy in die uitgewerswese-industrie in Suid-Afrika en Nieu-Seeland gewerk.

René Booysen obtained her B.IS (Publishing) degree from the University of Pretoria. She joined the Gawie le Roux team in 2023 and is responsible for the PVT programme. Prior to joining our team, René worked in the publishing industry in South Africa and New Zealand.


Linda Kleinhans

Course Coordinator | Kursuskoördineerder

Linda Kleinhans het onlangs by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit.  Sy het in 2010 binnenshuise versiering studeer en was voorheen deel van 'n instansie wat opleiding bied in leierskapsontwikkeling.  Sy is verantwoordelik vir ons kursusse in akte- en notariële praktyk asook ons RPR-geakkrediteerde kursus oor effektiewe verhoortegnieke.

Linda Kleinhans recently joined the Gawie le Roux team.  She studied interior design in 2010 and was previously part of a team that provides leadership development training.  She is responsible for our conveyancing and notarial exam preparation courses as well as our LPC-accredited trial advocacy course.


Natalie Swart

Student Administrator | Studente-Administrateur

Natalie werk al van 2008 af as ‘n administrateur en het 13 jaar se ondervinding in skole-administrasie.  Sy is tans verantwoordelik vir die aansoeke en administrasie rondom ons PBO Skool.

Natalie has worked as an administrator since 2008 and has 13 years’ experience in school administration.  She currently assists with applications and administration for the GLR PVT School.


Mikayla Haynes-Smart

Program Administrator | Program Administrateur

Mikayla Haynes-Smart het in 2023 haar BCom-graad (Regte) aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf en is tans besig om haar Bcom honneursgraad in Finansiёle Bestuur deur dieselfde instansie te voltooi.  Sy het vir 'n jaar in korporatiewe finansies gewerk voordat sy in 2024 by die Gawie le Roux span aangesluit het.  Mikayla is verantwoordelik vir alle administrasie tussen dosente en studente by ons PBO Skool. 

Mikayla Haynes-Smart obtained her BCom Law degree from the University of Pretoria in 2023 and is currently pursuing her Bcom Honours degree in Financial Management Sciences at the same institution.  She worked in corporate finance for a year before joining the Gawie le Roux team in 2024.  Mikayla is responsible for all administration between lecturers and students at the GLR PVT School.