Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our Course in conveyancing

Friday, August 5, 2022, 9:11
I have no knowledge of and have had no exposure to conveyancing. Will the course help me?

Yes, undoubtedly. The course was written on the assumption that the person using it has no or little knowledge of deeds. Many of our learners have had no, or very little, exposure to conveyancing. This need not be a deterrent. It is sometimes an advantage to realise how little you know, rather than to assume that the mere fact that you work in a deeds practice is sufficient to get you through the examination.

As far as attendance is concerned, is it possible to learn about deeds in only seven Zoom sessions?

Yes, it is possible because our notes are excellent. Our attendance course is note-driven rather than lecture-driven. This means that during the lectures we guide you through our comprehensive set of notes. However, after the lectures, you will still have to work very hard to prepare for the examination. We achieve great success with this method. The fact that the attendance course is presented on Zoom in seven sessions makes it possible for people from various parts of the country to attend the course. Candidates make this a week of intensive study in preparation for the examination.

Are the notes updated regularly?

Yes, there is constant change in the field of conveyancing. Each year the notes are updated at least once and sometimes even twice. If you have registered for one of our courses, your name will be placed on our database, and you will be notified when updates become available. Our course notes are popular and are used as a guide by many practitioners, even after they have passed the examination. After passing the conveyancing examination, you can still update your notes regularly and use them in practice.

How much time is needed to prepare for the examination?

This depends on individual ability and on the amount of time each person needs to prepare. This will differ from one person to the next. In our opinion, a comfortable and realistic period to allow for preparation for the exam is between four and six months. It would be to your advantage to enrol as soon as possible and start studying the notes even before you attend the lectures. It should be said that a lot of people have had less time to prepare and have still passed this examination. It depends largely on your commitment to passing.

What is the percentage needed to pass the exam?

50% for each paper. See the syllabus.

Can you guarantee that I will pass if I do any of your courses?

No, we can’t guarantee that, because you will have to commit to studying hard. But we can claim that you will not do any better with any other course.

Can one pass the examination without an oral?

Yes. See the syllabus.

How long is the examination and how many papers are written?

Two papers are written, one week apart.

  1. The first paper, which consists of short questions, is designed to test your theoretical and practical knowledge of the Deeds Registries Act, the Sectional Titles Act, and various other statutes, ordinances, and decided cases applicable to conveyancing. One hundred marks are awarded for this paper. It is a two-hour paper, and you have 15 minutes to study the questions before the whole group is allowed to begin.
  2. The second paper is designed to test competence, mainly in the practice and procedure of conveyancing. It consists of questions that require you to draft deeds, certificates, applications, consents, agreements and other documents. This paper primarily tests your drafting skills. However, a few short questions are always included to test your theoretical and practical knowledge of the work. Two hundred marks are awarded for this paper. It is a four-hour paper, and you have 15 minutes to study the questions before being allowed to begin.

To pass the examination, a student needs an aggregate of 50% for both written papers. If you fail one of the papers, you may rewrite that paper at the next exam. See the syllabus.

Does the course fee include the examination fee?


Can I purchase the notes without attending Zoom lectures?

Yes, you can choose the self-study option.

What are the examination fees and where do I register for the examination?

Consult the LPC for the current examination fees. You must register three weeks before the exam in the province where you will write the exam. See examination information.

May I write the exam in another province?

Yes, under certain conditions. Consult the LPC for conditions and permission.

When will I receive the study material?

Once we have received your payment, we will send your study material via PostNet. You will receive a PostNet tracking number for your parcel. The process usually takes 3–4 working days – that is, from PostNet to PostNet. Alternatively, you may also collect your notes from our offices in Lynnwood, Pretoria, 1 working day after payment was made. Collection times: Monday to Thursday between 8:00 and 13:00.

When should I request a pro-forma invoice?

Only request a pro-forma invoice if your company is paying for your course. All prices are on our website or brochures (downloadable from our website).

Are your courses accredited?

No, our courses are not formally ‘accredited’ by any government institution or the LPC, but we have something much better to offer. Ever since our establishment in 1994, we have received practical recognition from attorneys, advocates and law firms countrywide. Their recognition of the true intrinsic value and high quality of the training we offer is one important reason for our continued success.


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The template pack includes:

  • A checklist for the application for admission in terms of the Legal Practice Act
  • A list of requisite annexures
  • A template for the notice of motion
  • A template for the founding affidavit
  • A template for the supporting affidavit