Conveyancing Typists

We often receive questions from persons interested in our courses. A few of the most frequently asked questions, along with our answers, are listed below.

Ek weet niks van aktes af nie? Sal die kursus my help?

Ja, beslis. Die kursus is juis ontwerp om vir 'n leerkurwe voorsiening te maak. In ons aanbieding van Modules 1, 2 & 3 (Basiese Diploma in Aktepraktyk) gaan ons van die veronderstelling uit dat jy niks van aktes af weet nie. Ongeveer 40% van die persone wat die Basiese Diploma bywoon het geen of min ervaring van aktes. Dit is juis mense wat die kursus bywoon om 'n loopbaanverandering te maak. Sommige werk reeds by ‘n prokureurspraktyk as 'n algemene sekretaresse of ontvangsdame en wil nou graag na die akte-afdeling oorskakel.

I know nothing about deeds. Will the course help me?

Yes, undoubtedly. The course was designed to make provision for a learning curve. In our presentation of Modules 1, 2 & 3 (Basic Diploma in Conveyancing Practice), we start from the assumption that you know nothing about deeds. About 40% of the people who attend the Basic Diploma have no or very little experience of deeds. These people enrol for the course because they want to switch careers. Some are already working at law firms as litigation typists or receptionists and would like to switch over to the deeds section.

Ek werk al 'n hele paar jaar met aktes. Sal die Basiese Diploma in Aktepraktyk vir my van waarde wees?

Ja, beslis. Dit sal waarskynlik vir jou makliker wees as vir persone wat nog geen ervaring van aktes het nie, maar jy sal beslis iets by leer. Menige gesoute aktetikster het nadat hulle die Basiese Diploma bygewoon het vir ons gesê dat hulle beslis daarby baat gevind het, aangesien hulle -

  • nou eers uitgevind het waarom hulle sekere goed in die praktyk doen;
  • nou eers die teorie verstaan van dit wat hulle elke dag doen; en
  • nou eers die hele prentjie sien van dit waarmee hulle besig is

Ons het nog nie ‘n enkele tikster gehad wat vir ons gesê het dat die kursus niks vir haar beteken het nie. Sien die kommentaar van ons studente, en besluit self.

I have been working with deeds for a number of years. Will the Basic Diploma in Conveyancing Practice be of value to me?

Yes, undoubtedly. It will probably be easier for you than for the people who have no previous experience of deeds, but you will undoubtedly add to your knowledge. Many experienced conveyancing typists who have attended the Basic Diploma have said that they have undoubtedly benefited, because they -

  • have discovered for the first time why certain things are done in practice;
  • have a new understanding of the theory behind what they do every day; and
  • are able to see the whole picture for the first time.

So far we have not had a single typist who told us that the course meant nothing to her. See the comments from our students and decide for yourself.

Ek is bang vir die evaluasie (toets) by modules 1 - 6. Sê-nou-maar ek misluk en kom nie deur nie?

Jy is in goeie geselskap. Byna almal is bang vir die "toets". Die meeste mense het jare gelede ‘n eksamen geskryf en voel onseker oor wat om te verwag. Ons het begrip daarvoor en hanteer hierdie aspek soos volg:

Die toets wat aan die einde van sommige modules geskryf word, is 'n oopboek toets. Die idée is nie om jou "geheue" te toets nie, met ander woorde hoe goed jy kan onthou wat ons gedoen het nie. Die idée is veel eerder om te kyk of jy verstaan wat ons gedurende die klas behandel het en dit prakties kan toepas. Daarom mag jy die lesingmateriaal en praktiese voorbeelde wat ons in die klas uitdeel gebruik, op dieselfde wyse as waarop jy dit in jou kantoor sou gebruik indien jy met 'n soortgelyke vraag gekonfronteer sou word. Jy mag net nie jou kollega se hulp vra nie.

I am nervous about the assessment (test) for modules 1-6. Suppose I don’t pass?

You are in good company. Almost everyone is nervous about this "test". Many people have not written an examination for many years and feel unsure about what to expect. We fully understand this and so we have adopted the following approach:

The test written at the end of some modules is an open-book test. The idea is not to test your "memory", in other words how well you can remember what we have done. The idea is rather to see whether you understand the material we dealt with in the lectures and are able to apply it in practice. You are therefore permitted to use the study material and practical examples that we distributed in class, just as you would use them if you had to tackle a similar task while working at office. The only difference is that you can’t ask a colleague for help.

In some modules no test is written at the end of the module, but assessment takes place during the lectures. This means that we practise drafting and that you will have your final mark by the time you complete a module. Most learners like this method of assessment, because it is very practical and consists mainly of "drafting" (drawing up clauses or documents).

Wat is die doel van die evaluasie? Kan 'n mens dit nie maar los nie?

Die evaluasie in Modules 1 & 2 is veral vir nuwelinge belangrik. Dit is mense wat nog nooit vantevore met aktes gewerk het nie en dit nou as 'n nuwe loopbaangeleentheid oorweeg. Uit die evaluasie kan ons agterkom of 'n persoon hoegenaamd vir hierdie tipe werk aangelê is, al dan nie. Indien 'n persoon baie sleg met die evaluasie vaar, kan dit 'n aanduiding wees dat so 'n persoon nie vir hierdie tipe werk aangelê is nie, en dat die persoon 'n ander rigting moet oorweeg. Dit is ook niks om oor sleg te voel nie. Daardeur spaar ons so 'n persoon en haar werkgewer die verdriet om dit op die harde en onaangename manier uit te vind.

Sedert ons ontstaan moes ons aan slegs ‘n geringe aantal persone, op grond van die evaluasie van Modules 1 & 2, aandui dat hulle of baie hard sal moet werk om van aktes 'n sukses te maak, of dat hulle dalk 'n ander rigting moet oorweeg.

What is the aim of the assessment? Couldn’t one just as well omit it?

The assessment in Modules 1 and 2 is especially important for newcomers to conveyancing work. Those are people who have never worked with deeds before and are considering this as a new career opportunity. The assessment will tell us whether a person has any aptitude for this type of work. If anyone does very badly in the assessment, this may be an indication that the person is not suited to this type of work and should rather consider a different occupation. No one should feel bad about this. We are simply saving the learner and his or her employer the distress of finding out the hard way that there is a mismatch here. Since our inception we have had to tell only a very few of our learners that the assessment of their work for Modules 1 and 2 indicates that either they will have to work very hard to make a success of conveyancing or they should possibly consider a different occupation.

Moet ek kan tik en ‘n rekenaar kan gebruik?

Ons aanvaar dat jy kan tik en op ‘n rekenaar kan werk. Hierdie is nie ‘n kursus om jou te leer tik of om ‘n rekenaar te gebruik nie. Ons leer jou die teorie en praktyk wat jy nodig het om as ‘n aktetikster te kan werk. Daarna sal jy baie maklik jou rekenaar vir hierdie doel kan gebruik.

Must I be able to type and use a computer?

We assume that you can type and use a computer. We will not teach you how to type or work on a computer in this course. We teach you the theory and practical skills that you will need to function as a conveyancing typist. Once you have mastered these skills you will find it easy to use your computer for this purpose.

Ek is 'n prokureur. Mag ek ook die tiksterskursus bywoon?

Ja, beslis. Heelwat prokureurs het al die kursus bygewoon. Selfs prokureurs wat al as transportbesorgers toegelaat is. Sommige woon dit saam met hulle tiksters by, ander op hulle eie. Die rede is eenvoudig. 'n Transportbesorger en 'n aktetikster werk in 'n span saam. Elkeen het sy eie afgebakende terrein waarop hy/sy 'n spesialis raak. 'n Transportbesorger word opgelei om 'n sekere gespesialiseerde deel van aktepraktyk te hanteer. Dit beteken dan nie dat daardie transportbesorger onmiddellik na sy/haar opleiding gereed is om 'n leêr oop te maak en die korrespondensie daarop te hanteer nie. Daarvoor is heelwat praktiese ervaring nodig. Dit is presies hierin waar die kursus vir prokureurs handig te pas kom.

Indien jy 'n prokureur of toegelate transportbesorger is en jy wil graag presies op hoogte kom met die werk wat van 'n aktetikster verwag word, behoort die kursus vir jou beslis van waarde te wees. Bel ons vir advies van watter modules ons aanbeveel. Ons aanvaar dat jy meer leiding ten aansien van die praktiese sy van die werk verlang en nie soseer op die teoretiese gedeelte daarvan nie.

I am an attorney. May I also attend the typist’s course?

Yes, certainly. A number of attorneys have already attended this course. These include attorneys who have already been admitted as conveyancers. Some of them attend the course along with their typists, others come on their own. The reason is very simple. A conveyancer and his or her typist work together as a team. They each have their own area of specialisation. A conveyancer is trained to deal with a certain specialised part of conveyancing practice. This does not mean that immediately after finishing his or her training that conveyancer is equipped to open a file and deal with the correspondence on that file. A great deal of practical experience is needed. This is where attorneys find our course valuable. If you are an attorney or an admitted conveyancer and you would like to know exactly what work is expected of a deeds typist, you should find this course useful. Please phone us for advice on which modules we specifically recommend. We assume that you need more guidance on practical issues rather than the theoretical side of the work.


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Admission Application Template Pack

Fill out this form to download your FREE copy of our template pack for the application to be admitted as legal practitioner.

The template pack includes:

  • A checklist for the application for admission in terms of the Legal Practice Act
  • A list of requisite annexures
  • A template for the notice of motion
  • A template for the founding affidavit
  • A template for the supporting affidavit